Thursday 22 March 2012

IN Phychologies MAgAZiNe February 2012



Going on holiday with her mother to Cyprus brought back childhood memories and some home truths for Lorna V

"Holidaying together always leads back to our time in Famagusta, my parents’ hometown where we settled after my father finished his studies and started working in Britain (where I was born), until we were forced to leave when we were invaded.

All of our new memories are stacked onto the Famagusta ones, linked by a chain of pain, even though our bellies ache from laughing when we re-live the new ones. Strolling along the seafront walk¬way that passes through the hotel reminded us of one of our favourites."

Read more of the article from LornaV on WATCHING WITH MOTHER

Phychologies MAgAZiNe February 2012